Winking Owl Sweet Red Wine 750 ml
Winking Owl Sweet Red Wine 750 ml
This wine has a blackberry and raspberry flavors with a velvety soft finish. Pairs well with barbecue beef ribs and spicy fajitas.
Winking Owl Sweet Red Wine 750 ml
Most red wines are made in a dry style, but their sweet counterparts do exist. These wines are a little easier for some to sip on because of their higher residual sugar content and lower tannins. The grapes are picked, crushed, then fermented. During the fermentation process, grape sugar is converted to alcohol. The fermentation is stopped early to allow more of the grape sugar to remain in the finished product. This wine has a blackberry and raspberry flavors with a velvety soft finish. Pairs well with barbecue beef ribs and spicy fajitas. Country of Origin: USA 750 ml. Fruity, Sweet and delicious Smooth finish Nice flavor.
Weight | 3.000000 |